Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Flight Engineers

This term our topic is Flight Engineers. What do you think this topic is about? What would you like to learn about in this topic?


  1. Mr jones i really want to learn more about engiens.

  2. mr jones i really like our new topic i hope we learn more about it

  3. Mr jones I really like this topic on the engins

  4. Mr Jones i really like our new topic i hope we learn more about engins.

  5. I am excetit to learn about the topic we are learning about

  6. I am very glad we are doing this topic on engins.
    I know lots about it and ready to sher it.

  7. Flite enginears are the ones who diesian or make the plans

  8. I woud like to learn in flit how thay work the eruplanes and how thay made it. who was the ferst person to drive a eraplain and who was the ferst person to descover a eroplain.

  9. I would like to learn about Amelia Earhart. What was the first plane that she drove?Who was the first person to make an eariplane?How many planes did she drive?

  10. What was the first ever plain made in the world?

  11. I would like to learn about the people who first flew.

    1. So would I and hope I enjoy this topic.

    2. I wood like to learn about airplanes

  12. Amelia Earhart was the first person to fly across the atlantic in a plane.she was last seen just about to go across the China sea and then faedid away in the clouds

  13. Yes it lookes very intresting.I would like to lern about Amelia Earhart .

  14. What I know - learndo de vinci-He was Italian.During his lifetime he was a engerner.He was the 1st to ever thing and draw the 1st parshut.Learndo de vinci made the 1st ever helicopter model in 1480.
    What I would like to know about Learndo de vinci-How old was he when did he died?Where did he get all the ideas to make things that flow?How old was he when he stared to fligh?How was he so sucesusfull?When did he stop fling?Did he get a wife?Did he have children?Did he have brothes?Did he have sistres? Who was his Mum?Who was his Dad? Did he have a dad?Did he get the idea form brids?Did he like fling?Did he get the idea from bats?

  15. what kind of areaplanes do the flight engernears fly? How old is Amelia Earhart? Do the flight engenears enjoy flying the areaplanes? Are the flight engeners frightend when they are up in the ear flying? Do the flight engenears have radio in the eraaplanes? Did they have a mum,dad,brother or a sister? Things i know. Amelia arehart was the first female to fly across the atlantic ocian.

  16. we would like to learn about leonardo da vinci becouse he i'snt just a flight guy he is a musician / artist and much much more we cant wait to learn about flight!!!!!!!!

  17. I am very exited to learn about our knew topic flight engineeers and i have some questions to ask who was the first person to fly an aeroplane? Who invented aeroplanes? How do they fix the planes engines? who was Samuel cody? who was R.J. Mitchell? who is Frank whittle? what other flight engineers are there apart from the ones who we talked about? Did flight enginners fix helicopter engines too? and I cant wait to learn more about flight engineers I am looking forward to find out diffrent things about flight engineers

  18. leonardo da vinci was a very good flyer.

  19. What is the fastust plan in the world and how do they make it?

  20. Mr Jones i really like the wright brothers i done it for my presenteshon they were the first ever people to make and sucsed a aeroplane.

  21. I would like to learn how meny planes were made in 1918

  22. A pilot came in to the school and talked about how planes fly

  23. We learn a lot about aircrafts and it is realy fun i have all ready learnt about a new aircraft wich is realy intresting and fun i realy like this topic and i hope i learn more

  24. I loved when the man shoed us the planes that are flying right now.The pilot radio was really cool we cept hearing loads of pilots through the radio.

  25. I would like to learn about aeroplanes, helicopters, hot air balloon and lots of other aircrafts and the people who invented all the aeroplanes, helicoplters, hot air balloon and lots of other aircrafts.

  26. I loved learning about the Write brothers and how they made aeroplane's.Wilbur Write broke the world record of a speed of 10.98km.Amilea Earhart was the first to fly over the Atlantic.

  27. We want to learn what is inside a aeroplane? What is in a jet and the controlls?

  28. The wright brothers were the first ever brothers to make a sucsesful flying machine ever.

  29. I am very happy that we are doing this topic.
    I am very intresded in flyit.

  30. I like my topic because i learned allot that i did'nt know like Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly acrouse the atlantic oution. The topic is realy fun.

  31. I would like to know a lot of things about flight engineers.Hopefully we can learn a lot more.

  32. Mr Jones i really like our new topic on robots because i like how the robots make cars , and other machines
