Monday, 22 April 2013

The Celts - Boudicca

This term we are learning all about the Celts. This week we will be learning about Celtic Warriors and their weapons. Watch this short video, what havce you learnt about Boudicca from the clip.


  1. cool video its funny.i also learned alot like boudicca got captured and drunk poisen instead of being killed by the romans.

  2. All of our class like videos like that beacuse it helps you learn more in a more fun way instead of just reading a book laptop and other technolgy are good for learing.

  3. All of our class like videos like that beacuse it helps you learn more in a more fun way instead of just reading a book laptop and other technolgy are good for learing.

  4. Hi we liked that video it was cool, Welike learning about Boudicca she is really cool.

  5. how old was boudicca when she started to fight and when se stated to be the queen?

  6. I really enjoyed the vidio i liked the song it all rhyms.

  7. I really enjoyed that vidio it made me laugh

  8. The video is cool and you learn alot from it like boudicca drunk poisen instead of being caught by the romans.

  9. It was a good clip and funny at some points.
